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What do you do for fun?

The ringing of a question my brother asked me when I started my business.

I was a workaholic. "Fun?" I paused. Such a simple question seemed to stump me.


What did I do for fun?


This question resurfaced this year in a new way...

"What do you have to look forward to?" said my friend.

Stunned by the obvious truth that my schedule was full of work obligations and "have to's". The cause of my day to day dismal energy was a result of not having something fun on the horizon.

And then she hit me with it...

"What lights you up? What are you really passionate about?"

What is the light movement?

What is it that lights me up in life?

Have I defined it? When did I stop discovering that.

Abraham-Hicks talks all about the law attraction begins with doing things that make you feel good. It's that simple.

Yet, why do I rob myself of that?

What is the belief that lies at the core of that?

I don't deserve to feel good because...

- I have to work hard

- Who will do it if I don't?

- That doesn't pay the bills.

- I don't have the time/money/energy.

Yuck... listen to the spells I was casting. Strega Nona, wake up!

Use the bold italics as journal prompts to explore your heart-felt desires. Listening to the heart validates the inner child. It invites love, passion, happiness, contentment, peace, ease, forgiveness, acceptance, fun, play and child-like wonder. Now, that to me sounds like living!

Why deny yourself that?

Give yourself permission to explore your heart, pleasure and play. Let yourself live!

Here's a few samples and how I'm going to take on living this summer:

What do you do for fun?

- Roller Skate (I'm terrible at it but I can handle falling)

- Play soccer (also terrible at that, but a fast runner)* looking for a co-ed team!

- Explore in the woods

- Swim and float!

What do you have to look forward to?

- Heading to Vancouver Island next week

- Returning to teaching young kids at my dance studio

- Hosting a fun, summer camp for adults day in July and retreat in September with one of my greatest friends

What lights you up? What are you really passionate about?

- Creating and holding space for others to connect with themselves and their energy

- Singing... I want to be in a band or perform again!

- Passionate about creating community and connections. It takes a village.

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